The major goal of Switzerland Deep Tech Cluster is to make a contribution to the prosperity of the country by providing quality data for investors, decision-makers, journalists, and experts.
We know you want to be an early adopter and explore the latest trends in deep tech. That’s why we’ve put together this cluster of all our Switzerland reports - from Longevity, to AI, InsurTech, Fintech, Blockchain, and more.
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FemTech Market
FemTech Industry Landscape 2021: Discovering New Horizons
Jul 29, 2021
"FemTech Industry Landscape 2021: Discovering New Horizons" is an upcoming conference taking place July 29, 2021 (5 pm - 8 pm, BST) where professionals from FemTech Analytics, a new spin-off of Deep Knowledge Group’s flagship subsidiary, Aging Analytics Agency, and invited guest speakers who are Founders & CEO of FemTech companies and start-ups, Investors and Hubs, Women Influencers and Enthusiasts will share insights, findings and personal experience about new possibilities and cutting-edge technologies in fast developing FemTech market, which embraces the cornerstone subsectors such as Longevity for Women, Reproductive Health, AI for Women Health, Mental Health & Healthy Lifestyle, General Healthcare, and Advanced P4 Medicine for Women.
Meet the top industry experts, leaders, and influencers in deep tech with our event series and speaker line-up. Gain all the knowledge you need to get ahead.
The AI-driven Evolution of Pharma/Biotech Industry to Meet Global Challenges: Tackling COVID-19
Apr 13, 2021
Webinar held on April 13, 2021. Analysts from Deep Pharma Intelligence and guest speakers shared insights and findings about trends and application use cases of artificial intelligence (AI) in the pharmaceutical research, biotech, and healthcare tech, focused specifically on tackling the coronavirus pandemics. The event featured a summary of key players, technologies and trends, including R&D and business aspects, as well as investment trends on the cross-roads of AI and COVID-19 therapeutics and tools.
Alain Berset
Former President of Switzerland
Alain Berset is Federal Councillor, Head of the Federal Department of Home Affairs (DFI) and former President of the Swiss Confederation. Alain Berset mentioned Deep Knowledge Group's COVID-19 Safety Ranking published on 4th of June 2020 on his Twitter account.

House of Switzerland
Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
House of Switzerland is managed by Presence Switzerland, the unit of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs that is competent for the image of Switzerland abroad, and implements the strategy of the Federal Council on Switzerland’s communication abroad. House of Switzerland tweeted about Deep Knowledge Group's COVID-19 Safety Ranking published on 4th of June 2020.

Professor Didier Pittet
Director of the Infection Control Programme
The infectious diseases expert and the director of the Infection Control Programme and WHO Collaborating Centre on Patient Safety, University Hospital of Geneva, Switzerland. Since 2005, Pittet is also the External Lead of the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Patient Safety Challenge "Clean Care is Safer Care" and African Partnerships for Patient Safety