Press Release
Longevity Industry 2022 Journal Released by Developers of the World’s Largest Longevity Industry Database (50,000+ Companies, 9.5+ Million Data Points)

Wednesday, May 25, 2022: A new journal dedicated to state-of-the-market Longevity Industry developments, digests, summaries and sector intelligence has been launched by a leading consortium of for-profit and non-profit Longevity Industry players, otherwise known for developing the world’s largest Longevity Industry database (50,000+ companies, 12,000+ investors, and 1,200+ R&D hubs across 20 sectors and 160 subsectors, covering over 9.5 million data points in total).
Designed to serve as the first dedicated industry journal for the exponentially expanding Global Longevity Industry, and the first in a series of journals updated and released every financial quarter, Longevity Industry Journal 2022 presents up-to-date summaries, investment and sector-specific digests, key market trends and near-future forecasts of the full scope of Longevity Industry developments as of Q1 2022, compressed into quickly understandable summaries and chapters in order to distil only the most important take-aways required for investors, entrepreneurs, medical professionals and practitioners, policy makers, financial executives and other Longevity Industry professionals to optimise their decision making, effectively plan their near-future strategic agendas for 2022 and beyond, and obtain tangible and reliable state-of-the-market intelligence and digests on the continued, multifaceted evolution of the global megatrend of Longevity Industrialization.
Even though the Longevity Industry has witnessed unprecedented levels of growth and maturation over the past decade, the term Longevity per se, and its fundamental definition, remains unclear to many people (and to investors in particular) who associate Longevity with such topics as typical anti-aging skin creams and the fitness and wellness industries. One of the central motivating factors for the production of a new and definitive Longevity Industry state-of-the-market summary is precisely the prevalent challenge of disproportions in accepted Longevity Industry definitions and frameworks among different stakeholders. Scientists, medical practitioners, technologists, entrepreneurs, investors, financial executives and policy makers often have their own limited domain-specific understanding of the scope and breadth of what qualifies as Longevity Industry, despite the fact that cross-sector and trans-domain dialogue and cooperation is the most efficient means of translating the potential benefits of Longevity Industrialization into real-world practical impacts on the health and wealth of citizens and national economies.
Longevity Industry Framework

And, indeed, the true breadth and depth of that framework is larger than many industry participants may realise. The global megatrend of Longevity Industrialization has emerged out of intersectional synergies between a broad but quantifiable range of specific DeepTech and Frontier Technology domains, encompassing all biomedical, non-biomedical (tech and IT-based), governmental and financial sectors have an impact on population healthspan (period of life free from age-related disease and dysfunction), wealthspan (duration of financial stability across the lifecycle) and quality of life, as well as the integrity and stability of national economies at the intersection of the opposed megatrends of Longevity Industrialization (increases in population healthspan) and Ageing Population (increase in proportion of populations above the age of 60) Longevity Industry 2022 Journal has been assembled and published by three leading professional organisations on the forefront of Longevity Industry developments:
Deep Knowledge Group, a consortium of commercial and non-profit organisations active on many fronts in the realm of DeepTech and Frontier Technologies (AI, Longevity, Precision Medicine, FinTech, GovTech, InvestTech), whose venture arm made its first investment into the Longevity Industry in 2014.
Aging Analytics Agency, the only market intelligence and industry analytics company dedicated exclusively to Longevity Industry, founded in 2013 and currently serving as an Official Member Organisation of the United Nations NGO Committee on Ageing and main source of market intelligence for Longevity.Capital.
Longevity.International, a first-of-its-kind, open-access non-profit decentralised Longevity Industry Knowledge and Collaboration Platform launched by more than 30 Longevity-focused co-founding non-profit members from around the world.
This set of entities were the first to prove capable of precisely and tangibly defining the Longevity Industry, and of formulating actionable frameworks for industry analytics, forecasting and benchmarking to process the industry's unprecedented complexity, multidimensionality and technological intersectionality, applying AI, modern data science and big data analysis for industry analytics, benchmarking and forecasting, and making much of this information and knowledge available through a wide variety of open access reports and analytics. As a result of this work, Deep Knowledge Group now owns the world's largest Longevity Industry database, encompassing 50,000+ companies, 10,000+ investors and 1,000+ R&D hubs across 20 sectors, which they maintain in an open-access and non-profit format via the decentralized Longevity Industry knowledge and collaboration platform, Longevity.International, as well as in the form of a subscription-based analytical dashboard incorporating more sophisticated capacities for AI and machine learning-driven comparative analyses and data visualization via InvestTech Advanced Solutions.
Global Longevity Industry Ecosystem – 50,000 Companies by Country

As always, Deep Knowledge Group, Aging Analytics Agency and Longevity.International remain firmly committed to the ethical principle of using the outputs of these analytics, benchmarking and forecasting systems not only to shape and structure their own internal strategic decision making and industry activities, but also to make as many of them as possible openly accessible to other industry participants and decision makers across science, medicine, finance, investment, entrepreneurship, policy and governance. At the end of the day, the true success of any industry participant depends on the overall health, success, sustainability and integrity of the industry as a whole, because their most viable ROI will be the accelerated practical translation of real-world benefits for the health of citizens and the wealth and stability of national economies Longevity Industry 2022 Journal is just the latest practical output from this nearly decade-long journey to define, analyse, benchmark, forecast and deeply understand the full breadth and depth of the Global Longevity Industry, and the first of a regular series of Industry journals, which its developers hope give its readers the opportunity to formulate, optimise and efficiently execute their own strategic decision-making as much as it has their own.
About Deep Knowledge Group
Deep Knowledge Group is a leading consortium of commercial and non-profit organisations active on many fronts in the realm of DeepTech and Frontier Technologies (AI, Longevity, FinTech, GovTech, InvestTech), ranging from scientific research to investment, entrepreneurship, analytics, media, philanthropy and more.
About Aging Analytics Agency
Aging Analytics Agency is the work’d premier source of Longevity Industry analytics, benchmarking and forecasting. Operational since 2013, it was the first entity to comprehensively define and structure the industry’s breadth and complexity by identifying, classifying, and profiling all participants in the Global Longevity Industry ecosystem, applying AI, modern data science, and Big Data analysis for industry analytics to make this information available through a variety of open-access reports and analytics. The company serves as an Official Member Organization of the United Nations NGO Committee on Ageing, a Strategic Partner of the Metabesity Conference Series in Washington D.C. (the largest in the USA), and a Founding Partner of the original UK All-Party Parliamentary Group for Longevity Secretariat in 2019.
About Longevity.International
Longevity.International is a first-of-its-kind, open-access non-profit decentralized Longevity Industry Knowledge and Collaboration platform launched and supported by 30+ Longevity-focused non-profits from around the world with the aim of promoting a greater degree of synergy, efficient cooperation, and discussion among a variety of Longevity Industry participants and stakeholders, including companies, investors, non-profits, academic labs and R&D hubs, governmental bodies and policy makers.