Horasis 2023, held in Gaziantep, Turkey, proved to be an extraordinary platform for sharing insights and knowledge among experts from various fields. Among the distinguished panelists who graced the event, Alex Cresniov, Head of GovTech at Deep Knowledge Group in the United Kingdom, played a pivotal role in the engaging discussion on "Supporting Early Tech Adopters." This session not only shed light on the challenges and opportunities surrounding early tech adoption but also underlined the significance of fostering innovation and collaboration. Horasis was organized and founded by Frank-Jürgen Richter.
The panel discussion on "Supporting Early Tech Adopters" featured an illustrious lineup of experts from around the world, each with a unique perspective on the subject. Alex Cresniov shared the stage with:
Sara Isbell, CEO of Mercaptor, Inc, USA
Azam Khodadadidizaji, PhD, CEO of Findaso, Turkey
Volker Friedrich, Managing Director of GBP International, Germany
Felix von Schubert, Executive Chairman of NewSpace Capital, United Kingdom
The session was expertly moderated Prof. Pieter Perrett, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, School of Business, Institute for Competitiveness and Communication ICC, who skillfully navigated the conversation, ensuring that each panelist had the opportunity to contribute their invaluable insights.

Line-up of Panel Speakers
Alex Cresniov's presence on the panel brought a unique perspective to the discussion. As the Head of GovTech at Deep Knowledge Group, Alex possesses a wealth of experience and knowledge in the realm of government technology and its impact on early tech adopters. His insights into the challenges and opportunities of incorporating innovative technologies into the public sector were considered and thought-provoking.
During the discussion, the panelists examined the role of various stakeholders, including governments, businesses, and investors, in supporting and nurturing early tech adopters. They delved into the importance of creating an environment that encourages innovation and collaboration, as well as the need for investment in emerging technologies that have the potential to make a global impact.
One of the key takeaways from the discussion was the recognition of the vital role early tech adopters play in driving technological advancements and economic growth. By supporting these pioneers, we pave the way for the development and adoption of transformative technologies that can improve lives, create jobs, and boost economies.

Alex Cresniov with Frank-Jürgen Richter
Additionally, the panelists discussed the significance of inward investment in the local region of Gaziantep, Turkey. This topic emphasized the need to foster innovation and collaboration at both the local and global levels. It's through this kind of cross-border cooperation that groundbreaking innovations can thrive and have a meaningful impact on local communities and the world at large.
The discussion at Horasis 2023 concluded with a shared commitment to continue promoting innovation, collaboration, and investment in early tech adopters. As Alex Cresniov and his fellow panelists highlighted, the journey of supporting and nurturing early tech adopters is an ongoing one that requires dedication and partnership between various stakeholders.