Media Digest: Press about Deep Knowledge Group
Top-Tier Media About Deep Knowledge Group

Abu Dhabi life science mission to cement collaboration with the USA
A high-profile Abu Dhabi health delegation will be visiting the United States of America this month to explore prospects of joint collaboration within the framework of healthcare at large and life science in specific. The visit is expected to see meetings and groundbreaking agreement signings with leading partners to explore
Source: Emirates News

Venture Capital Firm Hires Artificial Intelligence To Its Board Of Directors
“Deep Knowledge Ventures said that the AI would help make financial and business decisions, help lead its research into biotechnology and regenerative medicine, and would act as an "equal member of the board"
Source: Huffington Post

The lucrative business of living longer
“The One Billion Retired People Globally are a Multi-Trillion Dollar Opportunity for Business” - Dmitry Kaminskiy for Financial Times
Source: Financial Times

Space Inc: 10,000 Companies, $4T Value ... And 52% American
Most of the 10,000+ companies are clustered in just five sectors, according to a new report from SpaceTech Analytics. Navigation and mapping is the largest, with 2,820 companies, followed by Cloud Solutions at 2,406, and Manufacturing at 1,048.
Source: Forbes
Would you take orders from a ROBOT? An artificial intelligence becomes the world's first company director
“In a world first, Japanese venture capital firm Deep Knowledge recently named artificial intelligence (AI) to its board of directors. The robot, named Vital, was chosen for its ability to pick up on market trends ‘not immediately obvious to humans”
Source: Daily Mail
Artificial intelligence gets a seat in the boardroom
“Artificial intelligence gets a seat in the boardroom. Hong Kong venture capitalist sees AI running Asian companies within 5 years.”
Source: The Nikkey

An Insight Of AI's Penetration In Drug Development Market
An Insight Of AI's Penetration In Drug Development Market.Thanks to Deep Knowledge Ventures which a couple of days ago updated their research data, we took the opportunity to delve into the latest developments in this market.
Source: Forbes

Could computers take over the boardroom?
“The firm, Deep Knowledge Ventures (DKV), which invests in companies researching treatments for age-related diseases and regenerative medicine, uses the algorithm to analyze financing trends to make investment recommendations in the life sciences sector.”
Source: CNN

What business leaders should know about machine learning and AI
“For Deep Knowledge Ventures, the Hong Kong-based venture firm that added a machine learning algorithm named VITAL to its board in 2014, it was about adding a tool to analyze market data around investment opportunities.”
Source: The Guardian

Algorithm appointed board director
"A venture capital firm has appointed a computer algorithm to its board of directors. According to Deep Knowledge Ventures, Vital has already approved two investment decisions.The software was developed by UK-based Aging Analytics."
Source: BBC
Media Digest: Deep Knowledge Group's
COVID-19 Assessments in Press
Deep Knowledge Group assessed countries and regions globally based on 140 parameters and 35000 data points to determine safety and risk level during the COVID-19 pandemic.
These COVID-19 safety global assessments attracted significant interest from TV Channels, Top tier digital magazines and Governments of the countries and was wide spread through social media channels and press. Below you can find videos from TV, articles and acknowledgements from official governmental authorities, notable persons globally.
Deep Knowledge Groups's COVID-19 Rankings
on National TV Channels Globally



Top-Tier Media About Deep Knowledge Group's COVID-19 Rankings
May-Dec | 2021
COVID-19 rankings

Abu Dhabi maintains its lead global ranking for pandemic response
Abu Dhabi has once again topped the list of the world’s leading cities for their response to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a London-based analytics consortium, Deep Knowledge Group (DKG). The Deep Knowledge Group released the report, "Ranking of the Safest Cities during the COVID-19 Pandemic for the Second Quarter of 2021".
Source: Emirates News Agency - WAM

How well did your city respond to Covid? A new ranking has answers
Deep Knowledge Analytics (DKA) examined 114 variables across five categories of pandemic responses: economic resiliency, governance, healthcare, quarantines and vaccinations. DKA analyzed 72 cities and ranked the top 50, with scores. The results were published in September in a 116-page report entitled “Covid-19 City Safety Ranking Q2/2021.”
Source: CNBC

Best Residence by Investment Cities for Business Index
A unique resource presenting the best residence-by-investment cities for business index. The index ranks the top 25 cities in countries that host the world’s leading residence by investment programs - all proactively vying to attract talent and capital.
Source: Henley & Partner

In the year of the fiftieth, Abu Dhabi's healthcare sector tops global rankings
Deep Knowledge Group ranked the global countries on the basis of government efficiency, the efficiency of the quarantine system, healthcare managementduring COVID-19 and Abu Dhabi secured rank-1 as it has locally manufactured over 300,000 COVID-19 DNA extraction solution samples and increased testing capacity to more than 500,000 tests per day.
Source: Arab Health

The 100 Safest Countries For COVID-19: Updated
Deep Knowledge Group first released a ranking of the safest countries in the world for COVID-19 back in June. Now the think-tank has updated its data and methodology and re-issued a report on the safest countries and regions. The ranking isn’t what most people expect: it’s not just about how many infections there are right now, or how many deaths COVID-19 has caused.
Source: Forbes

A game-changing, innovative solution
With the onset of COVID-19, the healthcare system realized the importance of data-driven decisions in allowing them to appropriately prepare to cope with global pandemics, such as COVID-19.
The Deep Knowledge Group ranked UAE as the nation with the highest rate of vaccinated citizens, and Abu Dhabi as the top global city with a successful response to the pandemic.
Source: Arab Health

"The Kingdom ranked 17th among the safest countries in the world for coronavirus, according to the report prepared by Deep Knowledge Group. The regional assessment report is based on 130 quantitative and qualitative parameters and over 11,400 data points in categories like quarantine efficiency, monitoring and detection, health readiness, and government efficiency."

"We can do Corona." Where Federal Councilor Alain Berset is right, he is right: According to a study, Switzerland is currently the safest country in the world for COVID-19. (...) This consortium has now published a 250-page report on the 100 safest countries in the world for the corona virus. Switzerland ranks first, ahead of neighboring Germany and Israel."

"For the healthcare sector, it has been a period of intense pressure – one that has had short and long terms consequences for how we deliver care and further evolve. Thankfully, with the support of the nation’s leadership, Abu Dhabi and the UAE have delivered robustly, with international observers like the Deep Knowledge Group ranking the UAE 11th globally for its response."

"China's response to the novel coronavirus pandemic has been ranked among the best in the world by a consortium of technology companies and nonprofit organizations. The consortium, known as the Deep Knowledge Group, looked at a range of factors in their COVID-19 Regional Safety Assessment, including monitoring and detection capacity, quarantine and government efficiency, and healthcare and emergency readiness."

"Israel had been ranked in March as having the world’s top covid-19 safety rating by Deep Knowledge Group, which describes itself as a consortium of commercial and nonprofit organizations. But now with infections spiking anew, Israel has been consigned to the “Red List” of covid-19 pariah countries barred from entry into European Union nations, along with the United States, Russia and Brazil."

"Strong monitoring and detection, a meritocratic government and a "high degree" of technological sophistication helped make Singapore one of the safest places to live during the Covid-19 pandemic. Those qualities helped Singapore execute effective quarantines as well as social distancing and mandatory mask-wearing, the Deep Knowledge Group survey of 200 countries and territories said."
June-July | 2020
COVID-19 rankings

"Finance Minister Hong Nam-ki posted a Forbes article that ranked South Korea as the third safest out of 100 countries around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic. The ranking is based on an updated report by the Hong Kong-based Deep Knowledge Group, which assesses the economy, politics, health care and safety of 250 countries in relation to COVID-19."

"Several countries that host (investment migration options) programmes rank highly on indexes such as the 2020 Global Peace Index (GPI), which measures the level of peacefulness in 163 states; the World Bank’s 2020 Ease of Doing Business ranking of 190 economies; and Deep Knowledge Analytics’ updated Covid-19 Regional Safety Assessment rank of 250 countries, regions and territories released in August."

"Since the end of the Korean War in 1953, the country has successfully worked its way up from an agricultural country to a leading industrial nation. The East Asian Republic also mastered the Covid 19 pandemic in an exemplary manner. The think tank Deep Knowledge Group ranks South Korea as the third safest country in the world for Covid-19."
August-September | 2020
COVID-19 rankings
March-April | 2021
COVID-19 rankings

"There are also some interesting surprises in the upper echelons, with the UAE in 6th place, just behind Austria, and ahead of Singapore, which is in 7th place and Hong Kong, which is in 8th position. Turkey and Ireland are hot on the heels of the UK in joint-11th position. Despite being the world's most powerful country and one that spends the highest percentage of its GDP on healthcare, the US is ranked just 16th out of the 31 investment migration countries."

"With the world remaining focused on both the economic and health consequences of the pandemic, a new study ranks Canada as the top destination for high-net-worth-individuals (HNWIs) when it comes to health security...Canada is deemed the best overall thanks to good scores in metrics such as government efficiency and monitoring & detection".

"The wealthy have been snapping up second passports during the coronavirus pandemic to get around travel restrictions and seek refuge in countries that have handled COVID-19 effectively... A new report from Deep Knowledge Analytics and Henley & Partners called the Investment Migration Programs Health Risk Assessment ranks these countries by how effectively they've handled the COVID-19 pandemic".

"Though its citizenship-by-investment program doesn’t particularly stand out, Lindsay said, “true to form, Canada’s quiet competency, deference to authority, and historical ‘garrison mentality’ — as seen in (the Atlantic) provinces walling themselves off from the rest of the country to great success — culminated in the best overall score".
April-May | 2020
COVID-19 rankings

"According to a ranking, the Federal Republic is currently the safest and most stable country in Europe and even the second safest in the world. Only Israel manages the crisis better, according to the country comparison of the London Deep Knowledge Group (DKG) , which is exclusively available to SPIEGEL."

"Germany is the safest country in Europe, with Greece in 30th place and Cyprus in 29th place. In their research, DKG analysts took into account many different criteria, such as the validity of restrictive measures, the number of quarantine violations, the range of travel bans, the number of diagnostic tests and the availability of hospital beds."

"Deep Knowledge Ventures, which is focused on health care and longevity technology, ranked 20 countries in Asia Pacific on these parameters: lowest likelihood of infection, lowest chance of mortality, and highest likelihood of recovery based on efficiency of quarantine and government management, monitoring and detection, and emergency treatment readiness."

"The Deep Knowledge Group, a respected a consortium of commercial and non-profit organizations, has just published an interim review of measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, including a “Safety Countries Ranking” of the 40 countries that are doing the best job of protecting their citizens against coronavirus."

"Internationally, its crisis management is praised. In the country comparison of the London Deep Knowledge Group on the corona crisis, Germany is currently the safest and most stable country in Europe and the second safest in the world , with Israel as the front runner. Spahn can be celebrated and gives interviews to international broadcasters such as CNN."
March | 2020
COVID-19 rankings

"According to the "Deep Knowledge Group" website report, it released a list of "the safest countries in the world", one to five of which are: Israel, Singapore, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Although the Middle East is a severely affected area, Israel can effectively control the domestic epidemic through the mobile app."

"Deep Knowledge Group (DKG) is a Hong Kong venture capital group specialising in medicines which analysed the data. They measured quarantine efficiency, government management efficiency, monitoring and detection, and emergency treatment readiness. According to DKG’s research, released this week, the safest country in the world is Israel."

"According to Deep Knowledge Group , Slovakia is among the world's eleven countries, which is currently the safest in terms of the spread of COVID-19. Data updated for April 1, 2020 shows that our country ranked 11th, after Israel, Singapore, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Hungary, Austria, Germany and South Korea."