Kate Batz
Several years ago, I decided to leave my career as a corporate attorney and dedicate my professional and personal energies fully to the promise and opportunity of Human Longevity, and to do everything I could to accelerate and stabilize the ongoing positive trajectory of Global Longevity Industrialization. Having lived for a number of years in San Francisco, one of the world’s largest and longest-standing Longevity BioTech hubs, I often crossed paths with entrepreneurs, investors, practitioners, and thought leaders in this space who gradually convinced me that Longevity is not just the most ethical business imaginable. It is also a veritable global MegaTrend poised at the direct intersection with some of global society’s most pressing challenges and opportunities, with the power to shape the health and wealth of not just individuals but entire national economies.

In my search for the most advanced and progressive-yet-tangible organizations working in this space, my good friend Alex Zhavoronkov (Founder and CEO of Insilico Medicine, a leader in next-generation AI and Deep Learning for drug discovery) introduced me to Dmitry Kaminskiy, General Partner of Deep Knowledge Group, an international consortium that made their first investment in the Longevity Industry in 2014, and which has strategically prioritized Longevity through the activities of several of its subsidiaries, ranging from nonprofits to analytical companies and investment funds.
After several years of work as a business development executive for Deep Knowledge Group and its Longevity-focused analytical subsidiary, Aging Analytics Agency, I became a partner of the consortium, as well as managing partner of its Longevity-focused subsidiary investment fund, Longevity.Capital, and Director of its FemTech-focused analytical subsidiary, FemTech Analytics. Throughout my time with the group, I learned a great deal about not just the industry but the ways in which the frameworks, analytics, investment strategy approaches, and business models propelling it forward are outdated and insufficient to create the levels of industry stabilization required to truly translate its theoretical potentials into practical human healthspan extension, and the socially-inclusive delivery of extra Health-Adjusted Life Expectancy (HALE) and Quality-Adjusted Life Years (QALY) for global humanity.